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Bringing the outside indoors

Bringing the Outside In – Montessori Inspired Classroom

We’ve noticed more often than not, classrooms are thinking outside of their walls and bringing the outside in. Whether through natural wood tables and chairs, learning tools or the décor of the room.

Nature’s beauty should be a priority when designing your classroom or even when planning your study room at home. Montessori inspired classroom environments are beautiful, creating a workspace and    play space that are appealing for children. Think of how your little one reacts when you take a nature walk. All the ohhhs and ahhhs for every flower, bug or creature they see. They are learning through what they see and using nature as an instructor. It’s also important for our kids to appreciate, take care of, and value the world and all its beautiful, natural wonders. The more the natural world is incorporated in your child’s learning environment the more likely they will develop a better, stronger appreciation for it.

What does natural elements in the classroom or bringing the outside in, really mean? It simply means using elements found in nature whenever possible in teaching and learning. Instead of plastic tables and chairs, using wood. Instead of storing items in plastic bins, try storing materials in glass jars, metal tins, and wicker baskets. It also means learning by using the natural wonders of the world. Planting seeds, watching them grow and change. Observing the root system when the seeds are growing. We can also teach our kids how to reuse items found in nature. For instance, using eggshells as planters.

By using natural elements with kids, they learn many independent and social skills as well as safety, math skills, problem solving skills and critical thinking skills that inspire them to take adventures. It also helps them understand and experience that materials in nature are grown, not to mention the excitement that your kids will have when they see what they are capable of.

You can also ask your class of littles to help. Using wood, you can create bins for storage, or shallow bins for paint. You can also use hollowed out wood for a pencil or paint brush holder. Your imagination is your limit.

Creating this space isn’t as hard as some may think. Most companies are embracing the trend of bringing the outside in and offer many options for your room size and age group. From beautiful wood tables, tables and chair sets, coffee tables and more.

We would love for you to share your classroom pictures with us! How are you bringing the outside in?