As We Grow™: Affordable and Chic Kid’s Furniture for 2022

As We Grow™ sofas and chairs are available in an array of primary and woodland colors. Included 4″h wooden legs make these chairs and sofas perfect for toddlers and kids 2-7 years old.
If you ask savvy parents and educators how they stick to their budget, many similar responses will likely come to light. The most effective techniques tend to revolve around shopping for items perceived to provide the most value.
Yet, “value” is hard to pin down and define. It’s subjective. One thing most can agree upon, sacrificing style in the name of saving a few dollars is usually not part of a winning equation. Thankfully, when searching for children’s furniture, Children’s Factory®, Angeles®, and Learning Carpets make it easy to find affordable and chic items for playrooms, bedrooms, and classrooms.
Our As We Grow™ line of furniture is the ideal solution to every savvy parent and educator’s style checkbox without breaking their proverbial piggy bank. As We Grow™ sofas and chairs bring an upscale esthetic to a variety of spaces for kids. The next generation’s little princes and princesses will feel special having their own perfectly sized furniture.

The walnut As We Grow™ Couch is pictured here with the Value Line™ Double-Sided Book Display with Casters, Circle Braid Carpet, and Value Line™ Birch 36″ Cubby Block Storage Unit with Casters.
As We Grow™ sofas and chairs feature hardwood frames for durability. Pieces are filled with sturdy foam and covered in soft vegan leather. This furniture is constructed to withstand active kids and daily use. They are ideal for playing games, socializing, reading, watching television, and sharing snacks. At the end of the day, parents and educators will love vegan leather’s ability to wipe clean in seconds.
The Last Word on Value
Still thinking, “Where is the value?” As We Grow™ chairs and couches include 4”h wooden legs. As toddlers grow, simply thread the wooden legs into provided screw holes. By raising each piece of furniture to a new, comfy height, kids will continue using them for years and years.